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Showing posts from 2016

The Human

Human Being is the best part of nature and being human is the best form of human beings. The history of the evolution of the human mind is very old. It is the human mind which has been developed from its different stages; the human mind makes a difference among human beings and other creatures of the universe. Human born, eats and dies like other animals, but the main difference between humans and animals is the USE OF MIND. When human uses its mind, it becomes victorious, that is why human has won the water, air, land and space. If a human does not use its mind, it becomes like an animal. Hence we can say that it is the use of mind which alters an animal into a human. The evolution of human beings depends on the use of mind. Billions of the years ago human had used to live in open forests and mountains, at that time humans used to eat leaves of the trees and meat of the dead animals. They had nothing knowledge how to cover, they wear the leaves of the trees to cover themselves. A

Current Indian Perspective (I)

Let us begin for a bright future for India, for a developed society, and for a place where everyone can live peacefully without any fear and misery. We have tolerated enough, we have slept enough, It is a time to wake up from a dogmatic slumber and begin with courage, power, and will. This is the time when we can create a great future, although we have lost enough, but not lost everything, there is always a way even after losing everything i.e. the way of hope and willpower to do something. If willpower goes in the right direction it creates a bright future.   “ start by doing what is necessary then do what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible. The only thing that matter is how to begin .” - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam    We need to begin always in the right direction, a beginning in the right direction leads to success, the question arises what is the right direction? It has a very wide answer it requires a lot of analysis of the goal and surrounding circumstances. No mat




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