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Showing posts from February, 2020

A Dialogue with Technology-I

“Technology is a victory of the Human mind over Nature”. Nature is mysterious but the Human mind is curious; the curiosity makes the Human mind know Nature. The application of the Human mind over Nature reveals the  deep secrets that are known as scientific knowledge. Further, the practical application of scientific knowledge gives birth to Technology. Technology is a child of the Human Mind. A Human mind is the father and Science is the mother of Technology. Science is the daughter of Nature; scientific knowledge is hidden in Nature. Mysterious Nature never wants to open its scientific knowledge to the Human Mind, but the curious Human mind always tries to open the secrets of Nature to derive scientific knowledge. The Human Mind has defeated Nature and brought up   Science out of Nature. The Interaction between the Human Mind and Science has given birth to Technology, that’s a landslide victory for the mind over Nature. The next question is about the mind, the brain and the




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