A Dialogue with Technology-I
“Technology is a victory of the Human mind over Nature”.
is mysterious but the Human mind is curious; the curiosity makes the Human mind know Nature. The application of the Human mind over Nature reveals the deep secrets
that are known as scientific knowledge. Further, the practical application of scientific
knowledge gives birth to Technology. Technology is a child of the Human Mind.
A Human mind is the father and Science is the mother of Technology. Science
is the daughter of Nature; scientific knowledge is hidden in Nature. Mysterious
Nature never wants to open its scientific knowledge to the Human Mind, but the curious Human mind always tries to open the secrets of Nature to derive scientific
knowledge. The Human Mind has defeated Nature and brought up Science out of
Nature. The Interaction between the Human Mind and Science has given birth to Technology, that’s a landslide victory for the mind over Nature.
The next
question is about the mind, the brain and the mind are two different concepts: the brain is a part of the body but the mind is a part of the personality, the brain is
visible, tangible, and biological whereas the mind is invisible, intangible and
intellectual. The brain has a shape, size, and dimensions but the mind is
infinite and unlimited. The brain is mortal but the mind is immortal. A body is
dead without a brain but a body lives a dead- life without a mind. The world is
governed by the mind not by the Brain. The Minds of Animals, Plants, and Trees
are undeveloped, but human beings have developed the mind into their brain. The mind is the reason behind the supremacy of homo sapiens on the planet. The
winners have a Mind with a brain, but the failures have a brain without a mind.
A mind is mightier than the sword but a brain is a piece of flesh and blood composed
of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. Intelligence present in the brain is called
the mind. The brain is the home of the mind.
“Technology is where the mind is”.
The Human mind
is a creator but the Technology is a creation. All the praises are to the human mind. The human mind has won the earth and sky, water and fire, Air and Space,
stepping on the moon and Mars is no more a dream but a reality. The temperature
of air changes by the order of the Human Mind. The Vessels run on the surface
of the water. Nature is incompetent to stop the human mind to enter into the
depth of the water; the Human mind enters into the kingdom of Water with the help of the Submarines.
The Satellites
are spinning into space. The birth of a human baby in the Test Tube is a remarkable
achievement of the human mind. It is the human mind which has made the
‘Rockets’ and ‘Helicopters’ flying high above into the sky. The
‘Missile’,‘Gun’, ‘Rifle’, ‘Revolver’, ‘Drones’, ‘Atom Bomb’, ‘Hydrogen Bomb’
and many explosive and destructive weapons are made and controlled by the mind. The computer is a medium behind the winds of change that have changed the
way of life. Data storing, transmitting, and digital transactions are made
possible by a Computer. Overall, technology is the result of unlimited efforts and the infinite intelligence of the mind. The ‘Electricity’, ‘Television’, ‘Cooler’, ‘Fan’, ‘Refrigerator’,
‘Clothes’, ‘Shoes’,
‘Computer’, ‘Table’, ‘Paper’, ‘Pen’ and a Needle to a castle everything is a creation
of the human mind. Technology serves the mind in the fields of politics, trade, commerce, business, administration, education, sport, entertainment, health, and even
in justice-delivery, forensic technology plays a significant role under the
command of the mind of forensic officers and judges.
Great Intelligence of mind is ‘Superior’, and ‘Achiever’, as well as ‘Governor’,
‘Ruler’, ‘Master’, ‘Commander’ and ‘Administrator’ of the Technology”.
fell asleep after writing the above thoughts on ‘Technology and mind’
because it was my time to go to the bed and soon I had a dream: I saw the
Infuriated- Technology having a heated argument with the mind. Technology said to mind, “You
have defamed me calling yourself superior to me. I’m not ‘Inferior’, ‘Supporter’,
‘Worker’, and ‘Servant’ rather I’m the governor and master of the world, and
superior to mind. All the difficult works are made possible by me but
the credit goes to
you, it’s unjust. Mr. Mind, the claims of your supremacy are false.
Can you tell me, how are you superior to me? I perform my duty day and night
without rest, and always assist the human body to make life comfortable and
easier, but the Human Mind can’t do anything. I’m more powerful than the Human
Mind. The service given by me to the human body is superior that is why I’m
superior to you.” The Human Mind replied to Technology, “Dear Technology,
you are right that you work day and night without rest, but ‘Suo-Motu actions are not possible for you because of the lack of consciousness, Technology initiates to work on the orders of the Human Mind and I command you in the right direction. Technology is inanimate but the Human Mind is Animate, Technology is created and commanded by the Human Mind; therefore the superiority lies to me.” Technology said, “But, what about my power to do the most difficult
works being a ‘wild-goose-chase’ for a human body. Let me explain my power; I’m the speed of a train covering the distance of thousands of miles. I’m the wings of the airplanes flying high above into the sky. I’m a baby born in the
Test Tube. I can transform the sex of humans. I’m the power of ‘Ventilator’
which saves the life of a Human Mind. I’m the Submarine entering into the
water. I’m the Network connecting from one corner to the other corner of the
world in a few seconds. I’m light in the dark. I can change the temperature of
the air. I’m the power of the Nuclear reaction; I can destroy the world in a few
seconds. Recently, the ‘Parker-Solar-Probe’ is on its way to enter into the
Corona of the Sun. I’m full of power and strength. How the credit for these powers
goes to you? In fact, I’ve my own rights on these powers and I’m superior to you.”
The Human Mind replied, “Technology is the child of the Human Mind, I’m a creator
and you can’t imagine your existence without me. Certainly, you are the power
of the Nuclear reaction but the switch of the Nuclear reaction is in the hands
of the Human Mind. You are
powered by the Human Mind and your powers are useless without the application
of the Human Mind. You are inanimate having life-like characteristics but not a
life in reality. The credits for your power and strength go to me. You’re dead
separated from the command
of the Human Mind. Technology can’t move without human intervention, and
the switch to ‘On’ and ‘Off’ is under the control of the Human Mind. This is the
reason for my superiority.”
Dissatisfied Technology further said, “You exploit
me day and night for your selfish desires. You commit the crime with the help
of the ‘Gun’, ‘Revolver’, ‘Rifle’, ‘Sword’, ‘Knife’ etc. The
‘decision-making power’ of the Human Mind is being misused in committing crimes. The Human Mind utilizes Technology to commit the ‘cybercrime’.
Feticides are being committed with the help of Ultrasound Machines. The human Mind
is the home of the ‘Ideas’, ‘Thoughts’ and ‘Actions’ of ‘Cruelty’,
‘Inhumanity’, ‘Greed’, ‘Tyranny’, ‘Exploitation’, ‘Crime’, ‘Lust’, ‘Jealousy’,
‘Abhor’, ‘Envy’, ‘Ego’, ‘Wrath’, ‘Fallacy’, and ‘Dishonesty’ etc. No one else but only the
Human Mind is liable for all the evils”.
After this argument of Technology, there
was a pin drop silence for a few seconds, but suddenly the silence was broken
and after a deep breath the Human Mind replied to Technology, “Dear Technology,
evils are the products of the weak Minds having low intelligence called a ‘Brain
of Blind Mind’, but the world is commanded by the Great Minds. Intelligence is
of two kinds based on quality; the ‘low intelligence’ is responsible for
the evils, but the great ‘Infinite-Intelligence’ is
full of virtues. The animals and birds also have intelligence but are lower in quality
and limited in quantity, while human intelligence is ‘higher in quality and ‘infinite in quantity. Human Minds committing the evils are not better
than the Minds of
animals. Hence, Weak Human Minds having low intelligence are responsible for
the evils, but the great Human Minds are full of virtues. ‘Power’ comes
from the intelligence of the Mind. I’m a birthplace of ‘Ideas’ and ‘Thoughts’,
‘Knowledge’ and ‘Wisdom’,
‘Talent’ and ‘Intelligence’, ‘Strong-Determination’ and ‘Belief’. I’m full of the
‘Judgmental Ability’, ‘Rationality and Logic’, ‘Common sense’ and
‘Expressions', 'Feelings’, ‘Imaginations’ ‘Compassion’, ‘Creativity’, and
‘Command’ etc. Fertilization, Innovation, Invention, and Curiosity are my
Jewels; therefore, I’m superior to you, Mr. Technology.”
“Evils are
nothing but the absence of Mind”.
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