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Showing posts from June, 2022


Failure is beautiful  Though its hurts, It gives you immense power to recreate thyself. Failure is misery It rattles, But far better than slavery. Failure defines Which character  will down  Which will rise! Failure seems rejection sometimes It's full of gloominess  Though nobody knows Who loses or who gains? Failure is love You know When someone redefines your character and  you just shut the Fuck up  !!! Pic Credit- #Shrish_Upadhyay

God (II)

“ Say, O Mohammad, He is Allah the one, Allah the eternal absolute, he begets not, not he begotten, and there is none comparable on to him.”   -  Quran, Surah Ikhlas, chapter 112 “ All the praises and thanks be to Allah, The Lord of the Alamin( Mankind, Jinns, and all the animate and inanimate objects that exists).”  [1]    - Quran, Surah Fatiha, Ayat 1, Opening lines of Quran.) “The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth.” [2]  –  Bible, Psalm “The one God is diffused in 10 directions behold the God in all the earth and sky, The Lord God is in all the mind and matter, subtle and manifest.” [3]  – Sri Guru Granth Sahib Divinity lies in Humanity which means ……Divinity is where Humanity is. In this way, Manu Smriti is worth to being quoted here, “Divinity blossoms where women are honored” [4] . –  Manu Smriti Humanity cannot be separated from God, God and Humanity are two aspects of one coin that exist in the purity of human actions together.

Current Indian Perspective (III)

  Before ongoing further, let us recall our glorious past and what we have missed in these years. A whole community will be proud of us for what we were. Let us take one such spiritual text – the  Bhagwat Geeta  in English, it translates to the song of God through the mouth of God to a human who is entrapped in a situation where he can neither participate in war nor abandon it. Hence we come to the question of why it is so relevant to this day? The answer is that it is very relevant because it tells us how one needs to spend one’s life. How can we begin ourselves? A principle of physics also applies to life that is for every action there is a reaction so whatever we do to our fellow beings will certainly come to us during the period we live in this, so as we plant so as we reap. An example of it is when Oppenheimer tested his first atomic bomb he recited the sloke from  '' now, I become Death, the destroyer of the world''- Bhagwat Geeta We are even said to be the gol

Current Indian Perspective (II)

  The thing that we require to change is our thinking since thinking is the first step for any beginner. To do anything the first step is to think. We need to change our thinking with the change of time, the present time signifies the beginning. On the one hand, we have done different excellent works for our welfare like metro and bullet trains and free distribution of e – rickshaws to the poor rickshaw drivers in U.P., this is a very important step towards change, this has created a good ground for us, now let us begin for an infinite journey.  The  Prime Minister Ujjawala Program  i.e. distribution of free gas cylinders for B.P.L. families in India is also highly appreciable, we should lay forward these programs for the welfare of the poor persons. This can be the best beginning. Our concern should be, how can a girl child be educated if she gets water from 12 km. or more daily, these type of incidents fulfils my heart with pity and kindness. I remember the time when India was so pro


तुमको पता है?  जब तुम कहते हो एक दिन सब ठीक हो जायेगा,  मुझे अच्छा लगता है,   इसलिए नहीं कि सब अच्छा हो जायेगा   बल्कि इसलिए क्यूंकि   तुम इतने प्यार से बोलते हो ,  कि इक उम्मीद बंध जाती  है।   लाख जलजलों के बीच, मुझे बस एक शाम चाहिए होती है तुम्हारे साथ,  फिर फर्क नहीं पड़ता,  कि फिर कोई तूफाँ आए  या कोई आंधी ।   क्यूंकि तुम्हारे और मेरे हिसाब से  एक दिन सब ठीक हो जायेगा,  और ठीक होना ही पड़ेगा । वैसे भी सब ठीक कहां होता है??   सब ठीक हो जायेगा तो,  फिर मज़ा कैसे आयेगा ज़िंदगी का !! Credit- 




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