God (II)

Say, O Mohammad, He is Allah the one, Allah the eternal absolute, he begets not, not he begotten, and there is none comparable on to him.”   - Quran, Surah Ikhlas, chapter 112

“ All the praises and thanks be to Allah, The Lord of the Alamin( Mankind, Jinns, and all the animate and inanimate objects that exists).” [1]  - Quran, Surah Fatiha, Ayat 1, Opening lines of Quran.)

“The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth.”[2] – Bible, Psalm

“The one God is diffused in 10 directions behold the God in all the earth and sky, The Lord God is in all the mind and matter, subtle and manifest.”[3] –Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Divinity lies in Humanity which means ……Divinity is where Humanity is. In this way, Manu Smriti is worth to being quoted here,

“Divinity blossoms where women are honored”[4]. – Manu Smriti

Humanity cannot be separated from God, God and Humanity are two aspects of one coin that exist in the purity of human actions together. We are all part and family of one God, and service to humanity is the best service to God. Humanity is greater than anything and above everything, because in the service of Humanity we ultimately serve God.   

 “All God’s creatures are his family and he is the most beloved of God who tries to do the most good to God’s creatures.”[5] - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

If you want to find God living in a materialistic/physical world, a path of Humanity is the only way to reach there. If you want to find God in a transcendental world, you can reach through the path of spirituality. One who lives in the materialistic world cannot find God and those who find God cannot live in the materialistic world. However, it cannot be said that God is not in the materialistic world, God is everywhere. It can also not be said that God has no control over the materialistic world, the Material world is accessible by God, but God is not accessible from the material world by us. The way to God passes through the path of the spirituality of the soul. The kingdom of God is within you, you can wake it up strengthening your spirit and soul, and by releasing it from the bondage of the material world the God within you will revert to the supreme God to which all souls belong. The body remains in the material world and the soul goes to rest in peace with the eternal, imperishable, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent supreme God.

Spirituality and Religion are as much important in human life as water and air are needed for the existence of human life. Religion is the development of divinity in the inner spirit of human beings. Religion is neither in the books nor in the principles, it resides in cognition and perception. Religion is not superstition; it is not in supernaturalism but it is the eternal and natural element of life. The desire for perfection is in humans, he is ambitious to be immortal and to get victory over everything, and the curiosity is to know God. he is in search of knowledge and bliss. But perfection, knowledge, immortality, and bliss are not available at the lower level of the materialistic world; they can be searched at a higher level of life only. Spirituality and religion begin from a higher level of life. And where the level of life falls at a lower stage the bliss of the senses increases at the higher stage. The bliss of human senses does not let him rise above the required level of life, it pulls them into the materialistic world, from where the space between the Soul and Eternal Divine (Parmatma) becomes wider. At this stage, he cannot meet God. God is above the bliss of senses beyond the material world residing somewhere in the transcendental world. Religion provides a path to spirituality and spirituality makes the self-realization of the God within you; it strengthens the soul and takes it towards the higher level of perfection, from where you can see God.

I would like to end my infant coherence of thoughts in an attempt to search for God, with the famous story of “Elephant and Blind Men.”[6]

 I found this story suitable to the existing situation; In this story, some blind men are trying to know the Elephant. One who touches the legs of the elephant says, “Elephant is like a pillar.” While the blind who touches the ears of the elephant says, “Elephant is like Supa, and one who touches the tail of the elephant says, “Elephant is like a rope.” The other one whose hands were upon the stomach of the Elephant said, “Elephant is like a wall.” And, the one who even could not try to touch said, “There is no elephant at all” The same things happen in this materialistic world, in this materialistic world we are fighting with each other that God is like this and this……but we are not able to see the God in reality. To see God in reality we need to uplift the veil of ignorance, and blindness of this materialistic world and have a look through the eyes of spirituality, knowledge, devotion, and wisdom into the transcendental reality. The moral of the story is that human tendency is to claim its limited knowledge and experience as absolutely true by rejecting the others' limited concepts and knowledge while they ignore that they all may be equally true or equally wrong. Hence, let everyone has to consider their own experience and knowledge to achieve an about the existence of God. 

Story Credits & Content- Jeeshan Ali


[2] BIBLE, PSALM 145:8







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