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IKIGAI: My Understanding

I recently completed the inspiring book #IKIGAI by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles on this Holi Vacation. It's rare to find another book that explores the importance of a healthy lifestyle and longevity in such depth. The authors suggest that achieving these goals is feasible through a meaningful purpose, goal, or aim, as outlined in the book. Given its popularity, I assume many people have read it. Here are my key takeaways:

1.   Discover your Ikigai - This Japanese term means "purpose." The book stresses the significance of having a purpose that motivates us to go to work every day. If our current job doesn't ignite that passion, it might be time to consider a change. Your ikigai would never allow you to retire till death.

   2. Eat Less and Healthier - The book suggests that for a happier life, it's beneficial to eat slightly less than what your hunger dictates, focusing on the quality of food rather than the quantity.

3.   Go with the flow - We should appreciate the process rather than the results. If the process is enjoyable and meaningful, the results are not essential. The key point is that if we enjoy the process of what we are doing, we will appreciate both the outcomes, failure, and success with gratitude.

4.    Surroundings Matter - One of the crucial aspects of a happy life is the quality of our company. If our companions are workaholic, annoying, toxic, and frustrating, it will affect us negatively. For a joyful life, our friends should be supportive regardless of our achievements.

  5.  Mental and Physical Wellness - Longevity doesn't require a highly toned physique, excessive gym time, or bodybuilding. A simple 20-minute daily walk or exercise is enough to start our day with a smile.

6.   Reconnect with Nature - Occasionally, we should return to Nature to appreciate its beauty, which can boost our work efficiency.

Besides this, there are several other trips and tricks to improve the lifestyle and longevity. Share your opinion on this and suggest any other similar book if any for further readings.



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