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IKIGAI: My Understanding

I recently completed the inspiring book #IKIGAI by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles on this Holi Vacation. It's rare to find another book that explores the importance of a healthy lifestyle and longevity in such depth. The authors suggest that achieving these goals is feasible through a meaningful purpose, goal, or aim, as outlined in the book. Given its popularity, I assume many people have read it. Here are my key takeaways: 1.   Discover your Ikigai - This Japanese term means "purpose." The book stresses the significance of having a purpose that motivates us to go to work every day. If our current job doesn't ignite that passion, it might be time to consider a change. Your ikigai would never allow you to retire till death.    2. Eat Less and Healthier - The book suggests that for a happier life, it's beneficial to eat slightly less than what your hunger dictates, focusing on the quality of food rather than the quantity. 3.   Go with the flow - We shoul




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